[ README Project Name The Forgotten Server Version 0.4.0_DEV Codenamed Crying Damson License GNU GPLv3 Forum http://otland.net/ ] [ CREDITS First of all, credits to the developers of this project, found in the DEVELOPERS part of this file. This server is based on the OpenTibia project which is developed by: http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=32523 .. also a thanks to the following people who has helped this project by contributing something: Cayan, TheMask, Rafael Hamdan, Fare-Fray, Kiwi Dan, Piotrek1447, Hermes, Gesior.pl, levandi, Casa, Winghawk, Nexoz, Godely, buzzbuzz2. ] [ LICENSE This project is licensed under GPLv3, you should have received a copy of this license with this project. ] [ DEVELOPERS Project Manager(s) Elf Talaturen Founder(s) Kiper Talaturen C++ Programmer(s) Elf Stian Talaturen LUA Scripter(s) Chojrak Elf PHP Programmer(s) (none) DATA Directory Manager(s) Chojrak Elf KaczooH Sentielo Documentation Manager(s) KaczooH ] [ FORUM Mainly english, with native chatboards for some other languages: http://otland.net/ ] [ SUPPORT Having trouble with any of the instructions, or is there anything you just want to ask? Create a new thread and ask here: http://otland.net/forumdisplay.php?f=55 ] [ BUGS / PATCHES / FEATURE REQUESTS http://otland.net/project.php?projectid=2 ] [ COMPILING GNU\Linux - Debian (...and forks, eg. Ubuntu) A detailed and always up-to-date tutorial may be found here: http://otland.net/f137/linux-ultimate-compile-guide-debian-ubuntu-included-2868/ Root You need to get on root user or use sudo for almost all below operations. Download required packages Launch a terminal, and paste in the following commands: apt-get install libboost1.38-dev liblua5.1-0 liblua5.1-0-dev liblua50 liblua50-dev liblualib50 liblualib50-dev lua50 libsqlite0 libsqlite0-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 lua5.1 libmysql++-dev libgmp3-dev subversion make g++ libxml2 libxml2-dev libxml++2.6-dev libmysqlclient15-dev mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server-5.0 gcc cpp automake autoconf pkg-config zlib1g-dev ccache libcrypto++-dev Download sources Launch a terminal, and paste in this command: svn co http://svn.otland.net/public/forgottenserver/tags/0.4.0_DEV Compiling Launch a terminal, and type this: cd 0.4.0_DEV && ./autogen.sh && ./configure --enable-sqlite --enable-server-diag && ./build.sh Linker error If you receive a linker error saying something with 'libboost', try pasting the following commands to terminal and then move back to compiling again: wget http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/asio/boost_asio_1_0_0.tar.gz tar -xzf boost_asio_1_0_0.tar.gz cp -ar boost_asio_1_0_0/boost/* /usr/include/boost/ g++ boost_asio_1_0_0/libs/system/src/error_code.cpp -c -o /usr/lib/libboost_system.a ln /usr/lib/libboost_regex-mt.so /usr/lib/libboost_regex.so ln /usr/lib/libboost_regex-mt.a /usr/lib/libboost_regex.a ln /usr/lib/libboost_thread-mt.so /usr/lib/libboost_thread.so ln /usr/lib/libboost_thread-mt.a /usr/lib/libboost_thread.a rm -rf boost_asio_1_0_0 boost_asio_1_0_0.tar.gz Windows Dev-Cpp Download TheForgottenDev-Cpp and the sources from: http://otland.net/showthread.php?t=1024 Extract them anywhere and then run devcpp.exe, press on the menuitem "File -> Open Project or File" and choose C:\path\to\sources\dev-cpp\TheForgottenServer.dev. At this point Dev-Cpp should be running with the project, now you can press "Execute -> Rebuild All", if there is any error, then report it here: http://otland.net/showthread.php?t=379 After it get compiled, copy Crying Damson.exe from C:\path\to\sources\dev-cpp to directory above (C:\path\to\sources) ] [ CONFIGURING Launch config.lua with your favorite text editor (NOTE: Windows built-in Notepad may not display line break!) and start configuring it (if you would need help or you wouldn't understand something, please check doc/CONFIG_HELP), in case there are other things you would like to configure- go over to the data directory. ] [ EXECUTING Linux MySQL Read MYSQL_HELP then launch a terminal, and paste this command: cd ~/forgottenserver/forgottenserver/ && ./theforgottenserver SQLite Launch a terminal, and paste this command: cd ~/forgottenserver/forgottenserver/ && ./theforgottenserver Windows MySQL Read MYSQL_HELP and then move the exe file to the directory where you have config.lua and data directory and execute it. SQLite Move the exe file to the directory where you have config.lua and data directory and execute it. ]