[ CHANGELOG Project Name The Forgotten Server Version 0.4.0_DEV Codenamed Crying Damson License GNU GPLv3 Forum http://otland.net/ ] [ File changes: D = Deleted, M = Modified, A = Added. [ 0.3.1 [ A... data/ actions/ scripts/ liquids/ *.lua * Added liquids files * Added potions of 8.2 protocol tools/ blessed_wooden_stake.lua obsidian_knife.lua * Added other/ stuffeddragon.lua * Added as example of position param for doCreatureSay function highscores.lua * Added due to hardcoded highscores function deprecation creaturescripts/ scripts/ firstitems.lua * Moved first items script to creature events instead of move events globalevents/ globalevents.xml lib/ scripts/ * Introduced global events scripts/ *.lua * Added basic scripts lib/ data.lua constant.lua function.lua compat.lua database.lua exhaustion.lua * Added files created from global.lua (organized) logs/ server/ * Created directory for GUI logs monsters/ */*.xml * Added most of 8.1 protocol monsters * Added missing monsters and bosses * Added few monsters of procotol 8.2 * Added alot of protocol 8.3 monsters * Several protocol 8.4 monsters movements/ scripts/ swimming/ *.lua * Added swimming system npc/ *.xml lib/ *.xml * Lightweight npc examples scripts/ *.lua * Added more NPC's examples spells/ scripts/ support/ *.lua * Added 8.4 profession (no party buffs yet) spells talkactions/ scripts/ shutdown.lua pvp.lua * Talkaction based on new LUA function position.lua money.lua * Talkaction deprecated from commands online.lua clean.lua broadcast.lua * Talkaction based on new LUA function, deprecated from commands broadcastclass.lua mode.lua multicheck.lua masskick.lua * Added (...) buypremium.lua * File name change *.lua * Deprecated commands weapons/ scripts/ burst_arrow.lua * Moved explosive_arrow.lua XML/ servers.xml * GameServers class usage example ] [ M... data/ actions/ actions.xml * Added obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake * Added heavy machete * Added stuffed dragon * Added furnace * Added protocol 8.4 lamps * Kits * Fixes * Fixed all holes, ladder, rope spots, etc. * More missing items scripts/ tools/ fishing.lua * Fixed worms usage rope.lua * Protocol 8.2 rope spots * Fixed all holes, ladder, rope spots, etc. blessed_wooden_stake.lua obsidian_knife.lua * Optimalized and fixed script shovel.lua * Fixes * Fixed all holes, ladder, rope spots, etc. quests/ system.lua * Fixed reported bugs other/ changegold.lua * Textcolor fix constructionkits.lua * Fixed construction kits * New kits doors.lua * Fixed special doors * Fixed disappearing doors * Applicated usage of engine-sided level doors detection teleport.lua * Fixes * Fixed all holes, ladder, rope spots, etc. liquids/ containers.lua * Fixed few issues of fluids great_health.lua * Level requirement fix mastermind_potion.lua * Fixed issue with not working condition *.lua * Exhaustion fixes creaturescripts/ creaturescripts.xml * Moved first items script to creature events instead of move events scripts/ playerdeath.lua * Updated due to changed escapeString return * mostHitCreatureKiller and lastHitKiller division items/ items.xml * Fixed formatting * Corrected alot of attribute values * Corrected alot of item names * Compatibility with protocol 8.22 * Compatibility with OTBv3 * Fixed construction kits * Some 8.4 items * More construction kits * New attributes usage * Fixed all holes, ladder, rope spots, etc. items.otb * Compatibility with protocol 8.22 * Compatibility with OTBv3 * Compatibility with protocol 8.4 lib/ function.lua * Fixes and optimializations data.lua * Inheritation database.lua * Usage of inheritation constant.lua * Added new constants * Fixed some existing constants including 8.4 needs * Deprecated levelDoors table monster/ monsters.xml * Added most 8.1 monsters * Added some 8.2 monsters * Added some 8.4 monsters */*.xml * Fixed loots, voices, formating and introduced elemental weakness * Updated experience as of Tibia 8.4 was introduced to some PoI monsters movements/ movements.xml * Added swimming system * Moved first items script to creature events instead of move events * Added protocol 8.1 elemental armory with limitations * Added protocol 8.2 elemental armory with limitations * Fixed protocol 8.2 elemental armory due to OTBv3 update * Added items requiring vocation, level or magic level * Added 'shield'/'hand' slot * Added protocol 8.4 armory * Fixed all holes, ladder, rope spots, etc. scripts/ tiles.lua * Rewrote how (depot and level) tiles work, depot tile does not need actionId anymore npc/ *.xml * Lightweight npc compatibility lib/ npc.lua * Protocol 8.22 npcsystem compatibility * Fixed some functions and added keyword tables support for 'msgcontains' function npcsystem/ * Full protocol 8.31 npcsystem scripts/ *.lua * 8.31 npcsystem compatibility spells/ lib/ spells.lua * Added all new corpses to the CORPSES array * Fixed some spell areas scripts/ *.lua * Fixes support/ magic rope.lua * Protocol 8.2 rope spots * Fixed all holes, ladder, rope spots, etc. desintegrade rune.lua * Fixed issue with possibility of removing items from depots when standing outside depot spells.xml * Added "exhaustion=" back to spells.xml * Charges and names fixed * Fixed spell range * Fixed exhaustions * Added runes division by vocations * Vocation 8.4 spells talkactions/ talkactions.xml * Added all the new talkactions * Added new access system tags (access="") * Added log="" tags responsible for talkaction logging * Added hardcoded functions scripts/ *.lua * Removed permission checking from access needing talkactions * Fixed return values * Fixes regarding params * Fixed all talkactions, added access and ghost checks changesex.lua * Updated due to deprecated LUA function * Added a check for gratis premium account deathlist.lua * Updated due to changed escapeString return weapons/ weapons.xml * Protocol 8.4 weapons world/ *.xml forgotten.otbm * Placed some NPC's on the map * Updated to OTBv3 forgotten-spawns.xml * Fixed the spawns file XML/ outfits.xml * Example of quest outfits usage * Protocol 8.4 outfits stages.xml * Deprecated configuration and moved to config.lua servers.xml * Changed 'ip' tag to 'address' ] [ D... data/ global.lua * Moved to lib/ directory actions/ scripts/ fluids.lua potions.lua * New liquids system movements/ scripts/ firstitems.lua * Moved first items script to creature events instead of move events talkactions/ scripts/ buyprem.lua * Renamed weapons/ scripts/ explosive_arrow.lua * Renamed ] ] [ 0.3.2 [ A... data/ creaturescripts/ scripts/ mail.lua * 'New mail has arrived.' message raids/ lib/ * Created raids.lua * Added talkactions/ scripts/ gamemaster.lua * Added two deprecated hardcoded commands ] [ M... data/ actions/ actions.xml * Typo * Added missing food IDs * CDATA-related replacements * Added highscores script as example of CDATA usage scripts/ other/ constructionkits.lua * Fixed creaturescripts/ creaturescripts.xml * CDATA-related replacements * Mail event registration scripts/ login.lua * Mail event registration globalevents/ globalevents.xml * CDATA-related replacements items/ items.xml * Some new items * Changed preventLoss to preventDrop * slotType-related changes lib/ compat.lua * Added doPlayerAddExp constant.lua * Added reserved subIds * Added map marks * Renamed RETURNVALUE * Added new combat parameter function.lua * isPlayerGhost(cid) * Cleanups * Shop-related functions fixes monster/ Mutated/ mutated rat.xml * Wrong drop Pyro-Elementals/ blazing fire elemental.xml blistering fire elemental.xml * Being summonable and convincenable movements/ movements.xml * CDATA-related replacements npc/ lib/ npc.lua * Cleanup * Fixed return of backpacks amount npcsystem/ *.lua * Bored-to-list "fixes" spells/ spells.xml * CDATA-related replacements scripts/ healing/ light healing.lua * Updated formula mass healing.lua * Added new combat parameter party/ train.lua * Added missing distance skill training *.lua * Cleanups * Organized subIds as intended talkactions/ talkactions.xml * CDATA-related replacements * Pointed /squelch and /cliport to gamemaster.lua scripts/ creature.lua * Set proper return message * Disabled errors online.lua * Typo * Fixed access being checked wrong shutdown.lua * "Shortened" summon.lua * Set proper return message weapons/ weapons.xml * CDATA-related replacements XML/ vocations.xml * Pre-configured per-vocation loss ] [ D... data/ actions/ scripts/ other/ highscores.lua * Moved to actions.xml ] ] [ 0.3.3 [ A... // ] [ M... data/ creaturescripts/ scripts/ login.lua * Changed deathLostPercent method playerdeath.lua * Typo items/ items.xml * Fixed reported bugs lib/ compat.lua * Added isInArea constant.lua * Reload constant for groups database.lua * Changed result loop function.lua * Removed isInArea, as its same as isInRange monster/ monsters.xml * Fixed monster name npc/ lib/ npcsystem/ modules.lua * Players with pzLock cannot travel through travel module anymore * New bless prices calculating scripts/ bless.lua * Updated to changes in modules.lua talkactions/ scripts/ deathlist.lua reports.lua * Changed result loop reload.lua * Groups reloading teleportsend.lua * Supports for player wildcards, creatures, waypoints and direct positions teleportto.lua * ... weapons/ weapons.xml * Added elemental arrows XML/ vocations.xml * Multiplied lessLoss values due to players loss_* fields changes ] [ D... // ] ] [ 0.3.4 [ A... data/ actions/ scripts/ other/ enchanting.lua * Added enchanting system furniturebeds.lua * Added furniture beds (packages with beds) items/ items.otb items.xml * Fixes + 8.42 randomization.xml * Moved item randomization configuration here XML/ channels.xml * Moved chat channels configuration here groups.xml * Moved groups configuration here ] [ M... data/ actions/ actions.xml * Added furniture beds (packages with beds) * Reorganization scripts/ quests/ annihilator.lua system.lua * Changes due player storage compatibility other/ changegold.lua * Rewritten, easiest way to add new coins doors.lua * Special doors improvement blueberrybush.lua constructionkits.lua food.lua * Fixes & formatting machete.lua * Added jungle grass pick.lua * Fragile ice 'picking' rope.lua * Fixed error in console creaturescripts/ scripts/ firstitems.lua playerdeath.lua guildmotd.lua * Fixes * Fixes, the second items/ items.xml * Fixed few issues, and added new items lib/ compat.lua * Added doCreatureSetLookDirection * ... constant.lua * Changes due true/false returing * Reload constant for chat * Player sex constants * ... database.lua * Removed unecessary variable exhaustion.lua * Fixes + changes due player storage compatibility function.lua * Added new function: doPlayerAddFrags(cid, amount) * Deprecated getPlayerGroupName(cid), use getGroupInfo(id).name * Moved getPlayerMoney to sources * doWriteLogFile fix * ... logs/ chat/ * Created chat directory, for channels logging monsters/ Traps/ *.xml hidehealth & hidename flags for throwers movements/ scripts/ swimming/ *.lua * dataDirectory fixes dough.lua * Param added snow.lua * Invisible GM won't show snow foot prints tiles.lua * Depots fix npc/ scripts/ runes.lua * Changes due player storage compatibility lib/ npc.lua npcsystem/ npcsystem.lua * dataDirectory fixes spells/ scripts/ summon/ *.lua * Deprecated functions replaced talkactions/ scripts/ *.lua * Fixes * Channels reloading * Configurable premium days cost * New param: channel (was always possible to use, but noone knew about it..) broadcastclass.lua buypremium.lua deathlist.lua * Fixes XML/ outfits.xml * Possiblity to use type="0;1;2" or type="0-2" to use for both genders servers.xml * versionMin / versionMax attributes * Updated stages.xml * default multiplier attribute, NOTE: only in 'world' node * Possiblity to use e.g. id="0;1;2" & id="0-5' to use same stages on more servers ] [ D... // ] ] [ 0.4.0_DEV [ Note We just had no time to finish this, as there are just too many of these files... ] [ A... // ] [ M... // ] [ D... // ] ] ] [ Milestones [ 0.3.1 [ Note Some of the features were added to Mystic Spirit (0.2) due popularity of them. ] Always up-to-date with OpenTibia branch, Avesta, changes (*) Alot new configurables (*) Replaced config manager values (mostly strings) used as booleans with new, boolean type (Elf, Talaturen) White skull time configurable on config.lua (Talaturen) Time to decrease frags on config.lua (Talaturen) Added most of monsters of protocol 8.1 and some of 8.2 (OpenTibia SVN, Lithium) Attackspeed for items in items.xml (Talaturen) Basespeed in vocations.xml (Talaturen) onLook(cid, pos) creature event (Talaturen) /pvp command to change worldtype (Talaturen) /goto command (/goto x y z) (Talaturen) Configurable level to form guild (Talaturen) Replaced party system with the party system from OpenTibias avesta branch (Talaturen) Added more NPC's and placed in the map (Lithium, Elf) Swimming system (Lithium, OpenTibia SVN) Global Storage values saving in database (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Configurable level to buy and sell house (Elf) Configurable amount (0 to disable) of houses per each account (Elf) /send command (/send player, x y z) (Elf) Configurable permission for talkactions in talkactions.xml (Elf) Ingame guild management 'switch' on config.lua (Elf) House buying and selling disabling on config.lua (Elf) Namelock Manager while Account Manager is disabled configurable in config.lua (Elf) Dropped LuaSQL and replaced with LuaDatabase (Elf, OpenLua-Distro) onKill(cid, target) creature event (Elf) onAdvance(cid, skill, oldlevel, newlevel) creaturescript event (Elf) onThink creaturescript event for creatures (Elf) onThink and onLook events aren't fired global anymore (Elf) /squelch command to disable private messages receiving (Elf) Dropped account types and replaced it with access levels (Elf, Talaturen) Custom flags system (Elf, Talaturen) Possibility to move items from far, push not pushable items and throw items anywhere (nfries88, Elf) Configurable commands and talkactions logging (Elf) Ghost Mode [with disabled effects] (Pedro B, Elf) Cascading actions (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Rewritten ban class (Elf, Talaturen, OpenTibia SVN) /baninfo command (Elf) Advanced /unban command (Talaturen, Elf) Bank system (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Stamina system (Elf) Moved players record and motd to database (Elf) Moved CTRL + Z bug reports to database, written /reports command (Elf) Lighweight NPC system (Talaturen, OpenTibia SVN) OTBv3 (OpenTibia SVN, Talaturen, Elf) Monsters with elemental weaknesses (Marcinek Paladinek, Lithium) Marriage 'system' (Elf) Construction kits (Elf) Global events (Elf) Thing attribute changing (Kiper) onAttack creature event (Elf) Database Manager - http://otland.net/f123/built-database-manager-12642/ (Talaturen) Autotools (Talaturen) Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (Kiper) Promotion levels (Kiper, Talaturen, Elf) Account names (Elf) Full protocol 8.31 NPC Shop window behaviour (Elf) Group outfits (Elf) Mapclick teleportation (Kiper) MySQL keepalive for servers with timeout (Elf) isValidName working Tibia-like (Talaturen) Skulls and Shields for NPCs and Monsters (Elf) doPlayerAddExperience supporting negative values (Elf) House Kick supporting wildcards (Elf) Deprecated most possible commands and rewritten them in Lua (Elf) Raids position may be now stored under one tag, which will be exploded- *x"="10" *y="10" *z="7"; can be now added as *pos="10;10;7" (Elf) Merged Commands class with TalkActions, hardcoded commands may be now used as functions (Elf) House information being stored at database, houses table (Elf) onDeath event has now also new parameter- creature, that did most damage to dying creature (Elf) New icon! ;-) (Macroman) DescriptionHideLevel flag replaced with HideLevel, which is used now also for hiding player level in chat (Elf) Signal handler, basic control signals (Elf, Kiper) Revamped talkactions- more errors printing, more checks, more compatibility (Elf) New Quest System and core support of it (Elf) getClosestFreeTile function bumps - possibility to check does destination tile belongs to a house and extended position addon (Elf) Spell parameters working as in Tibia (Elf) Quest outfits (Elf) NPC descriptions (Elf) New onPrepareDeath creature event- no overflows and FALSE return denies death (Elf) onStatsChange creature event (Elf) Player and Global Storage now supports strings as values (Elf) Deprecated hardcoded highscores function and rewritten as Lua function (Elf) Protocol 8.4 support (Talaturen, Elf, Kiper) Multiworld system (Elf) Possibility to choose config file path for console/non-windows versions by --config=%PATH% argument (Elf) Bumped onKill, onDeath and onAttack creature events (Elf) Party features of 8.4 (Elf) New condition types and condition param 'buff' for buff icon (Elf) All attributes displaying in item description (Elf) Waypoints support (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Move (add and remove) items actor tracking, cid param for onAddItem/onRemoveItem move event (Elf [not from revscriptsys]) Protocol 8.4 related combat and conditions upgrades, party spells (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Rewritten so optimized map cleaning code (Elf) Once again rewritten map cleaning code as option (Talaturen, Elf) Added support for house binary storage (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Few command line arguments support (Elf) Server output and error logging redirection (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Rates (multipliers) are now float numbers with possibility to set extra ones per player (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Advanced onJoinChannel and onLeaveChannel creature events (Elf) Remote version checking (Elf) 'Reworked' the banning through Violation Window and related things (Elf) New monsters race- energy (Elf) Anti-magebomb 'system' (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Several one-type events support (Elf) "voices" for NPCs (Elf) Optimized, fixed crash-bug and added two-params support for guild commands (Elf, Kornholijo) Reworked reloading- more detailed errors, new 'types' and signal support (Elf) ] [ 0.3.2 Version checking by reading remotely hosted versioning file (Elf) Per-vocation less loss configuration- the "3% promotion loss" (Elf) Gamemaster "options" (ghost, squelch and cliport) are now stored as conditions and saved (Elf) Added support for XML scripting under CDATA (Elf) Skills and magic level advancing is now handled through loops- possible multi-advances (Talaturen) Configurable stamina rate (Elf) Actions and movements declarations improvements- eg. itemid="200-220;230-240" or fromid="200;230" touid="220;240" (Elf) wait(delay) Lua function (Elf, revscriptsys) New creature events: onSendMail, onReceiveMail (Elf) Configurable direction storing (Elf) nameDescription for players- give your players special titles! (Elf) Output/NetworkMessage_ptr patch from OpenTibia SVN (Talaturen) Map marks are now constant (Talaturen) House warnings now depend on the rent period- daily = 1 day, weekly = 3 days, monthly = 7 days, yearly = 14 days (Elf) New combat param- TARGETPLAYERSORSUMMONS, Mass Healing (exura gran mas res) spell should now affect only players with their summons (Elf) New preventLoss Items attribute- avoids player skill loss [read Deprecated section below to know more about old preventLoss] (Elf) Player::__queryDestination deepness is now configurable [configured enough well to avoid lags on slow machines] (Elf) ] [ 0.3.3 Protocol 8.41 support (Kiper) Service Manager (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Protocol 8.41 features (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Groups reloading (Elf) Configurable critical hit multiplier (Elf) Clean/Refresh "scriptProtection" for items (Elf) Added three new creature events: onCast, onCombat and onAreaCombat (Elf) ] [ 0.3.4 Chat channels configuration in .xml file (Elf, slawkens) Groups moved to groups.xml file + changed way, how they works (Elf) Displaying XML parser errors (Elf, slawkens) New doc files: CONFIG_HELP, COMMANDS_HELP, SCRIPTSYSTEM_HELP (slawkens, KaczooH) Possiblity to use in movements, spells etc. (slawkens) onTextEdit, onFollow(cid, target), onTarget(cid, target) creature events (slawkens) Turn click (aka CTRL + key) teleportation (slawkens, Kiper) New configurables: ghostModeInvisibleEffect, gainExperienceColor, checkCorpseOwner, showHealingDamageForMonsters premiumDaysToFormGuild, pushCreatureDelay, deathContainerId (slawkens) Moved items randomization to randomization.xml file (slawkens, Elf) Furniture beds (packages with beds) + enchanting system (slawkens) Outfit attributes (Elf) Proccess priority and affinity assinging for both Windows and *nix systems (Elf) 'hidename' & 'hidehealth' flags for monsters & npcs (slawkens) Few more options displayed onLook like ghostMode, decayTo, clientVersion, equipTo (slawkens) New LUA functions: doPlayerSetPzLocked(cid, locked), getCreatureLastPosition(cid), getWaypointsList(), getGroupInfo(id), doPlayerAddFrags(cid, amount) (slawkens) Possibility to update from 0.2.1 (Elf) ] [ 0.4.0_DEV Full protocol 8.5 support (Elf, OpenTibia SVN, Talaturen) Modifications system 'aka mods & moved custom things there (Elf, slawkens) Guildhall support (Elf) New deathlist, working like Cipbia one (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Rewritten frags handling- now it works same as in Cipbia! (Elf) Updated most of items and monsters (slawkens, KaczooH, Elf) New talkactions: /commands, /wp, /storage, /config, /promote & /demote. More info about usage in doc/COMMANDS_HELP (slawkens) You can now declare more talkactions, separating them by semicolon, fe. (words="/a; /b; /c"), or using own separator, fe. comma: words="/a, /b, /c" separator="," (slawkens, Elf) 'hide' parameter for talkactions, preventing displaying talkaction in /commands (slawkens) New lua functions: getChannelUsers(id), getMonsterSummonList(name), doCleanPosition(pos, forceMapLoaded), doPlayerSetMaxCapacity(cid, cap), getPlayerSpecialDescription(cid), doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(cid, desc), doItemRaidUnref(uid), getHouseInfo(houseId), hasClient(cid), doPlayerSetBalance(cid, balance), getPlayerIdleTime(cid), doPlayerSetIdleTime(cid, amount), getPlayerLastLogin(cid), getPlayerLastLoginSaved(cid), getPlayerAccountManager(cid), getCreatureHideHealth(cid), doCreatureSetHideHealth(cid, hide), getCreatureSpeakType(cid), doCreatureSetSpeakType(cid, speakType), getTalkactionList(), getExperienceStageList(), getModList(), loadmodlib(libName), domodlib(libName), md5/sha1(str), db.lastInsertId(), doPlayerAddLevel(cid, amount), doPlayerAddMagicLevel(cid, amount), doPlayerAddSkill(cid, skill, amount), doPlayerAddOutfitId(cid, outfitId, addon), doPlayerAddOutfitId(cid, outfitId, addon) (slawkens, Elf) New creatureevents: onTradeRequest(cid, target, item), onTradeAccept(cid, target, item, targetItem), onReportBug(cid, comment), onDirection(cid, old, current), more info in doc/SCRIPTSYSTEM_HELP (slawkens, Elf) New configurables: red & black skull things, advancedFragList, violationNameReportActionType, huntingDuration, addManaSpentInPvPZone, squareColor, allowFightback, bindOnlyConfiguredIpAddress, deathListRequiredTime, deathAssistCount, guildHalls, mailboxDisabledTowns, monsterLootMessage, monsterLootMessageType, ghostModeSpellEffects, maxItemsPerPZTile, maxItemsPerHouseTile, rateExperienceFromPlayers, minLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer, maxLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer, experienceShareActivity (Elf, slawkens) New globalevent options: 'type' & 'time' (Can be executed at server start/shutdown/record, or specified time), more info in doc/SCRIPTSYSTEM_HELP. (slawkens) New flags & custom flags: PlayerFlag_CannotBeSeen, PlayerCustomFlag_AllowIdle, PlayerCustomFlag_IgnoreHouseRent, PlayerCustomFlag_CanWearAllAddons (Elf, slawkens, OpenTibia SVN) Modified existing monster attacks (especially outfit & speed ones) (Elf) New monster attributes- flags: walkable, lootmessage; look: corpseUniqueId (Elf, slawkens) More channels.xml configurability, you can choose vocations, set exhaustion/level and more! (Elf, slawkens) Monster reorganization & update (Not all though) (slawkens) Improved banishments system (Elf) Rewrote Rule Violation Window (Elf) Patched & fixed how stamina works (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Talkactions improvements, more info in COMMANDS_HELP (slawkens) Patched much missing changes from OpenTibia SVN (Elf, slawkens, KaczooH) Houses are now saved when owner changes (Elf) Player namelock history saving in database (slawkens, Elf) Full working Yalahar stairs (Elf, Talaturen) Full swimming system & waterball (slawkens) OTAdmin new commands support: mail, shallow save, reload (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Invisible monster is not sent to client anymore (OpenTibia SVN) Anti-dash (OpenTibia SVN) Dropped much code to Lua (Elf, slawkens) Houses auctions system, possiblity to use website interface for selling houses (house_actions table) (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Saving bot actions to /logs/bots for each players. For example bot can send message longer than 255 characters (slawkens) New raid events- item spawning & disappearing and more (Elf) Actor for move creature (Elf) Some additions to NPC system (Elf) New doc: SQL_QUERIES (slawkens) Updated license on all CPP/H files headers (Elf) ] ] [ Deprecated [ NOTE All deprecated Lua functions are stored in compat.lua and use their equivalents, nevertheless please use proper ones for new scripts. ] [ 0.3.1 LuaFunction: savePlayers(), use saveData(). LuaFunction: doPlayerAddMana(cid, mana), use doCreatureAddMana(cid, mana) LuaFunction: broadcastMessage(cid, type), use doBroadcastMessage(cid, type) LuaFunction: getPlayerPosition(cid), use getCreaturePosition(cid) LuaFunction: getPlayerName(cid), use getCreatureName(cid) LuaFunction: getCreaturePos(cid) [fake], use getCreaturePosition(cid) LuaFunction: saveData(), use saveServer() LuaFunction: doPlayerRemovePremiumDays(cid, days), use: doPlayerAddPremiumDays(cid, -days) [negative values] LuaFunction: doPlayerRemOutfit(cid, looktype, addons), use: doPlayerRemoveOutfit(cid, looktype, addons) LuaFunction: doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, doDrop), use: doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, doDrop) LuaFunction: doPlayerAddManaSpent(cid, mana), use: doPlayerAddSpentMana(cid, amount) LuaFunction: getPromotedVocation(vocId), use: getVocationInfo(id).promotedVocation LuaFunction: doPlayerAddExp(cid, exp), use: doPlayerAddExperience(cid, amount) ... and many, many more. ] [ 0.3.2 Player and Global storages do not use -1 as eraser anymore, use 'nil' value onDeath corpse passed parameter is now Thing (table with entries: uid, itemid, etc) instead lonely uid house_storage database table, house_data is now used Items attribute: preventLoss, use: preventDrop ] [ 0.3.3 LuaFunction: doPlayerSetExperienceRate, doPlayerSetMagicRate, use: doPlayerSetRate(... __LEVEL/__MAGLEVEL ...) ] [ 0.3.4 LuaFunction: getPlayerLookDir(cid), use getCreatureLookDirection(cid) Integer return values of Lua functions, use booleans instead ] [ 0.4.0_DEV LuaFunctions: getHouse*(houseId) (getHouseName, getHouseRent etc) - use getHouseInfo(houseId).name/owner/entry/rent/price/town, etc LuaConstants: All are listed in compat.lua, though ] ] [ Fixed issues with... [ 0.3.1 House warnings (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) High CPU usage (Everyone, OpenTibia SVN) Skill loss and item drop in [pvp-]zone area (Talaturen, Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Bed sleepers not being loaded (Elf) Items with 0 charges acting infinite (Elf, Kiper) Blessings (Talaturen, Elf) Crash when saving non-existing VIP (Elf) Huge writables crash-ability (Elf) Custom item attributes not displayed and/or crashing server (Elf) No timestamp in __GUI_LOGS__ (Elf) Item absorb abilities (Elf, OpenTibia SVN, Gesior) House Doors not being updated when player changes name (Elf) MySQL reconnecting- dirty way... (Elf) Brackets not being removed from publicized NPC speak (Elf) Old protocols support (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Waterpolo Ball being removed from Trasholder (Elf) Account Manager variables and return values (Elf) Healing damage being displayed for Ghost player (Elf) GUI logs date being saved unpropperly (Elf) spellNameInsteadOfWords configurable working properly (Elf) Shop goods being constantly updated no matter was it item or creature at post* (Elf) BuyContainer fix (Elf, Gesior) Guild name not being validated when creating guild (Elf) Liquids issue (Elf) No possibility to logout without account name and password when Account Manager was enabled (Elf) Unaccurate conditions length (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Players being unable to throw items at borders (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Database manager automatic table optimization not working (Elf) Empty containers not being dropped by monsters (Elf) Possibility to track an invisible GM by re-adding to VIP (Elf) NPCs walking on path blocking items (Elf) Items from virtualcylinder being freed in internalAddItem causing crash (Elf) Proper search string (Elf, TibiaWiki) Fixed channels issues (Talaturen, Elf) Fixed blockHit damage stacking (Elf) Possibility to wear items even if movement does not allow it (Elf) Guilds issues (Elf, Talaturen) Not working vocation base speed XML configurable (Elf) Possibility to track Ghost mode by re-adding player without 'specialVip' flag to viplist (Elf) Engine not accepting negative values in scripting (Elf) Not working configurables (Elf) Possibility to wield two shields (Elf) Certain conditions not working (Elf) Shopping exploits (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Deletions being removed after restart (Elf) Shutdown issues (Elf) Lightweight NPCs interaction unfinished loops and no support for vocation-promotions (Elf) MySQL connection losing (Elf, Kornholijo) Server diagnostics command warning (Elf) Player::__queryDestination- adding/giving items to player issues (Elf) Saving players with CanAlwaysLogin flag at /close (Elf) ] [ 0.3.2 IPBanishment authorization error (Elf) Instant open after closing server (Elf) Players being able to stay logged in when server was closed not being saved (Elf) Infinite loop when loading stages (Elf) createConditionObject optional parameters wrong order (Elf) Immediately opened socket after closing last one due to listen errors (Talaturen) Privileged players gaining infight condition when throwing a field rune (Elf) Database handler reconnection and keepalive method not working as intended (Elf) Errors when upgrading from 0.2 to 0.3 (Talaturen) Monsters being immune to combat type through elements map (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) /addskill command issues (Elf, Talaturen) doCreateNpc and doCreateMonster errors displaying when calling from command (Elf) doPlayerAddExp not working as intended with negative values (Elf) CreatureEvent onAttack crashbug (Elf) Waiting list unknown place issue (Elf) houseRentAsPrice, housePriceAsRent (Elf) ] [ 0.3.3 IPBanishment checking MySQL server hang (Elf) OutputMessage crash (Elf, OpenTibia SVN) Fixed Amuet of Loss being not always dropped (Elf) CANNOT_ATTACK_SAME_LOOKFEET working only for melee (Elf) Ghost mode causing client assertions due to some old Tile class changes (Elf) Namelocking removing notations (Elf) Possibility to change the ip/port using NG script and login to different world than character in fact "comes from" (Elf) "Decaying items transforming when used" (Elf) ] [ 0.3.4 High memory usage (partially from OpenTibia SVN, Elf) OutputMessage (fe. spells) crash (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) MySQL crash, freeing issue (Elf) Abusable sellhouse (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Gamemasters crashing client when on ghost mode (Elf) Containers loaded from map having unproper weight (OpenTibia SVN) Players being able to track gamemasters on ghost mode with EXURA SIO spell (Elf) Premium account being always removed while logging in (thanks Faramir) Summon teleporting (slawkens) doCreateItem (slawkens) Missing CHAT reload in GUI (slawkens) Some outfits attributes (slawkens) Ghost login (slawkens) Vocation magDamage/magHealingDamage not working onGetFormulaValues callback (slawkens) IP Banishments issue (KaczooH, Elf) pushCreatures (Elf) Crash at payHouses with non-existing player (Elf) OutputMessage, diagonal walk, dashing and spell spamming fixes (OpenTibia SVN) Proper item attributes displaying (Elf) Frag, PZ and skull gaining when player shouldn't [zones] (Elf) Attempt to waiting list (Elf) Missing CTRL+click moving (Elf) Depots on stackpos higher than 2 (slawkens) Stackpos debugging (slawkens, Elf) Lighweight NPC queuing (OpenTibia SVN) ... and few more. ] [ 0.4.0_DEV NPC voices (Elf) Some vocation attributes not working or working unproperly (Elf) Account name cannot be same as password anymore (Elf) Admin protocol connections being rejected (slawkens, OpenTibia SVN) Ghost player deleting magic walls (slawkens) Players able to see if there is a gamemaster in ghost mode through exiva or exura sio (slawkens) Players being informed that a Gamemaster logged in, though he is on ghost (slawkens) Player deaths by monsters not unique (Elf, slawkens) Levitate abusable for PZ (slawkens) Doors allowing player enter a protection zone with pzLock (slawkens) Not working _result returning in scripting buffer (Elf) Fields not dealing damage when re-stepping (Elf) Yellow skull not being sent when damaging self (http://tibia.wikia.com/wiki/Skull_System#Yellow_Skull) (Elf) SQLite queries issues (Elf, slawkens) Magic level formula (OpenTibia SVN, KaczooH) Memory leaks (Elf) Queries optimization (Talaturen) No possibility to remove item actionid through Lua scripting interface- use doSetItemActionId(uid, 0) now (slawkens) 'print' Lua function not logged to GUI (slawkens, Elf) Possibility to login on chest and take rewards if there are rewards behind chests on map (slawkens) Windows being able to open outside house- now only Gamemasters can do it (slawkens) Ghost Gamemaster showing effect(s) while casting spells- configurable (slawkens) Ghost debugging players (OpenTibia SVN, Elf) Promotion downgrading (Elf) Some console errors.. (slawkens) and more more ... (Should be really stable & bug free!) ] ]