-- NPC Broadcast Message by MrSheen -- -- Set how many minutes delay you want the NPC to broadcast. -- local delayminutes = 40 -- Set the messages that you want to be broadcasted. -- local broadcastmessage = {'Our Donation-System is AUTOMATIC! You will receive Donation-Points after a few seconds!', 'AUTOMATIC DONATION SYSTEM! go to and help us keep the server running!', 'Donate at our Web Page, get points automatic after a few seconds and help us get a new host-computer!', 'This one of the only servers with AUTOMATIC Sms/Call-donation system! Donate Today!', 'Donate today wit your Phone and receive points to use at our unique Donation-Shop! You will receive Donation-Points AUTOMATIC seconds after you have donated!', 'Donate at our AUTOMATIC Donation-Point System!' } -- Main Code -- local messagecounter = 1 local timer = os.time ( ) function onThink() if ( ( os.time ( ) - timer ) > delayminutes * 60 ) then broadcastMessage ( broadcastmessage[messagecounter], 19 ) if messagecounter == #broadcastmessage then messagecounter = 1 else messagecounter = messagecounter + 1 end timer = os.time ( ) end end