local target = 0 local prevTarget = 0 local maxChaseDistance = 20 local origPos = 0 local lastAttack = 0 local followTimeout = 10 local function isSkulled(cid) if(getCreatureSkullType(cid) >= SKULL_WHITE and isPlayerPzLocked(cid)) then return true end return false end local function goToOrigPos() target = 0 lastAttack = 0 selfFollow(0) doTeleportThing(getNpcCid(), origPos) end local function updateTarget() if(not isPlayer(target)) then goToOrigPos() elseif(not isSkulled(target)) then selfSay("Okey, lets start.. The roumor has it that if you go to a place containing demons, a whole lot of them you will find your first clue to proceed with the firewalker boots quest! say {ok} if you understand me.") goToOrigPos() end if(target == 0) then local list = getSpectators(getNpcPos(), 9, 9, false) for i = 1, table.getn(list) do local _target = list[i] if(_target ~= 0) then if(isPlayer(_target) and isSkulled(_target)) then if(not getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(_target))) then if(selfFollow(_target)) then target = _target if(target ~= prevTarget) then selfSay("We do not tolerate people like you here!") end prevTarget = target break end end end end end end end function onCreatureAppear(cid) if(cid == getNpcCid()) then origPos = getNpcPos() end end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) if(cid == target) then goToOrigPos() end end function onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos) -- end function onThink() updateTarget() if(target == 0) then return end local playerPos = getCreaturePosition(target) local myPos = getNpcPos() if(myPos.z ~= playerPos.z) then goToOrigPos() return end if(math.abs(myPos.x - origPos.x) > maxChaseDistance or math.abs(myPos.y - origPos.y) > maxChaseDistance) then selfSay("I'll catch you next time.") goToOrigPos() return end if(lastAttack == 0) then lastAttack = os.clock() end if(os.clock() - lastAttack > followTimeout) then selfSay("You got me this time, but just wait.") goToOrigPos() return end if((math.abs(playerPos.x - myPos.x) <= 1) and (math.abs(playerPos.y - myPos.y) <= 1)) then doTargetCombatHealth(getNpcCid(), target, COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN, -200, -300, CONST_ME_BLOCKHIT) lastAttack = os.clock() end end