-- Advanced NPC System (Created by Jiddo), -- Modified by Talaturen. if(Queue == nil) then Queue = { customers = nil, handler = nil, } -- Creates a new queue, connected to the given NpcHandler handler function Queue:new(handler) local obj = {} obj.handler = handler obj.customers = {} setmetatable(obj, self) self.__index = self return obj end -- Assigns a new handler to this queue. function Queue:setHandler(newHandler) self.handler = newHandler end -- Pushes a new cid onto the tail of this queue. function Queue:push(cid) if(isPlayer(cid)) then table.insert(self.customers, cid) end end -- Returns true if the given cid is already in the queue. function Queue:isInQueue(cid) return (isInArray(self.customers, cid)) end -- Removes and returns the first cid from the queue function Queue:pop() return table.remove(self.customers, 1) end -- Returns the first cid in the queue, but does not remove it! function Queue:peek() return self.customers[1] end -- Returns true if htis queue is empty. function Queue:empty() return(self:peek() == nil) end -- Returns the amount of players currently in the queue. function Queue:getSize() return table.maxn(self.customers) end -- Returns true if the creature with the given cid can be greeted by this npc. function Queue:canGreet(cid) if(isPlayer(cid)) then return self.handler:isInRange(cid) else return false end end -- Greets the player with the given cid. function Queue:greet(cid) if(self.handler ~= nil) then self.handler:greet(cid) else error('No handler assigned to queue!') end end -- Makes sure the next greetable player in the queue is greeted. function Queue:greetNext() while (not self:empty()) do local nextPlayer = self:pop() if(self:canGreet(nextPlayer)) then if(callback == nil or callback(nextPlayer)) then self:greet(nextPlayer) return true end end end return false end end