local BEDS = { [7904] = {{7811, 7812}, {7813, 7814}}, -- green kit [7905] = {{7815, 7816}, {7817, 7818}}, -- red kit [7906] = {{7819, 7820}, {7821, 7822}}, -- yellow kit [7907] = {{1754, 1755}, {1760, 1761}} -- removal kit } local function internalBedTransform(item, itemEx, toPosition, ids) doTransformItem(itemEx.uid, ids[1]) doTransformItem(getThingfromPos(toPosition).uid, ids[2]) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_POFF) doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, CONST_ME_POFF) doRemoveItem(item.uid) end function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local newBed = BEDS[item.itemid] if(not newBed or not getHouseFromPos(getCreaturePosition(cid))) then return false end --TODO --Is it possible in real tibia, to use same modification on current used? if(isInArray({newBed[1][1], newBed[2][1]}, itemEx.itemid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You already have this bed modification.") return true end for kit, bed in pairs(BEDS) do if(bed[1][1] == itemEx.itemid or itemEx.itemid == 1758) then toPosition.y = toPosition.y + 1 internalBedTransform(item, itemEx, toPosition, newBed[1]) break elseif(bed[2][1] == itemEx.itemid or itemEx.itemid == 1756) then toPosition.x = toPosition.x + 1 internalBedTransform(item, itemEx, toPosition, newBed[2]) break end end return true end